Product Reviews
Whatever your product, we wanna try it! A non-biased, honest approach to trying out new hardware, tinctures, and stylish products made for water men and women. We review everything from sunglasses to surfboards, workshops to surf-side accommodation and everything in between.
Tell the world about it!
How it works
So you’ve made this wonderful creation. You’ve tried, failed, and tried again, finally creating your dream product. We are here to tell our community about the extraordinary things you do!
Your creation is accepted for review : PROCESS BEGINS
Your creation is tested : ALLOW 2 - 4 WEEKS
Your creation is photographed : ALLOW 2 WEEKS
Your creation is honestly reviewed by us and published on our website : ALLOW 1 WEEK
Your creation can be returned back to you at your discretion : TRACKED COURIER
Note: Consumables or potions, swimwear, tinctures or sunscreens are unlikely to be returned as we will be actively using and testing them in all conditions. Hygiene is a big priority. Get in touch if you are not sure!
Some of our product reviews.
Some of our product reviews.
“We are all about the good times here at Salt Gypsy. Celebrating women of all shapes and sizes and surf abilities, because we know when you’re feeling good, you’re surfing better.”
— Danny, Founder of Salt Gypsy