9’0 single fin Log


The Cheater model is designed to be lightweight- an easy, forgiving board ideal for beginner loggers.


What board are you reviewing for us?  My custom made 9’0”, single fin Cheater from Sadhana in Christchurch. She’s flat rockered with a sweet 50/50 rail that lets her glide with ease. I’ve got the Scotty Stopnik 9.8” raked single fin, it’s got nice manoeuvrability and hold. The board is a retro yellow tint with a flowery fabric inlay deck supplied from Fabric Fixations NZ. I’ve surfed this board from the deep south to the Far North.

How was it to paddle out, duck dive? Was it floaty enough for your size/weight? I’m always chasing that perfect point break, easy paddle-outs and long rides, occasionally doing the odd turtle roll to get out back when surfing at beach breaks. Sadhana is super helpful when it comes to making boards, they customise the board to suit the rider’s needs, height and weight—giving the perfect amount of length, float and style. 

Do you have a blast on the board? What are, in your personal opinion, the perfect conditions for your board to perform its best?  I absolutely love my board, she’s been with me all over New Zealand and never disappoints. I love taking my log out on those days where the waves are waist high, slow rolling and mellow. Especially if it’s on a long right-handed point break.

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What would your recommendations be for someone who’s looking to buy it? And in your personal opinion, what are the perfect conditions for this board to perform its best? Do it! You won’t regret it. I grew up surfing thrusters and never thought to see myself riding a log. It’s changed my way of surfing- it slows everything down, you can relax and enjoy the ride. A customised board is super special and you’ll most likely keep it forever. I’d recommend supporting and buying from local shapers. 

Sadhana is based in Chritchurch.

Sadhana is based in Chritchurch.


Reviewed by Paige Newman
(advanced rider)

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

About:  grew up surfing the fresh waters of Dunedin, I got my first board at age 10 and have been in the water ever since.

Home break: Dunedin has some pretty radical surf spots, I’m either driving up the north coast or going straight out at good old faithful, Smails Beach. 

Style of surfing: It all depends on the forecast, I love taking my 5’7” Channel Islands Rocket Wide out when I’m craving a bit of speed and adrenaline. But my 9’0” is my go-to when the surf is more mellow and spilly .

Surf style inspo: Paige Alms is pretty rad! I’d kill to have her confidence, bravery and rip as hard as she does.


Verdure Log


Series EcoBoards Raglan Twin Fin